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Kids Time Preschool uses Creative Curriculum from toddler to preschooler.  

Any needs involve physiology, safety belonging, and esteem must be met in order for children to be able to build relationship and learn. Which comes with create an environment in which children are safe feel emotionally secure, and have a sense of belonging. 



Provide responsive caregiving that meet children’s individual needs.  

The children develop and learn when the principles of developmentally appropriate practice, particularly the important role that families, teacher and communities play in the children lives.  


  • Establish and maintain nurturing relationship with children 

  • Provide safe, developmentally appropriate learning experiences 

  • Individualize scheduler, routines and experiences to meet watch child’s needs. 

  • Create partnership with families to support children’s development and learning. 

  • Set limits and guide learning in ways that reflects realistic expectations for children’s behavior. 


Social –Emotional Development 

Young children’s social-emotional development involves learning how to understand their own and others’ feelings, regulate and express their emotions appropriately build relationship with each other’s and interact with each other’s. Social-emotional development flourishes when children have close, supportive, and trusting relationship with adults.  

Physical Development 

Physical development includes children’s gross-motor (large muscle) fine motor (small muscle) skills. We are at the Kids Time Preschool work with children’s balance coordination as pulling, climbing, running, throwing, and jumping. Also, for fine motor skills work as cutting, drawing, writing, tracing, sorting. As they develop physically, children master increasingly sophisticated tasks and are able to meet more of their own physically, needs such as feeding and dressing themselves. 

Language Development 

Language is the principal tool for establishing and maintaining relationship with adults and other children. Children’s desire to communicate their thoughts, ideas, needs, and feeling with other and this is motivates them to develop language.  We are here to ensure that they used their words when they want or need something from us or from their friends. 

This can also create frustration when they cannot express themselves so it is very important for them to express their thoughts and feelings.

Cognitive Development 

Language is the principal tool for establishing and maintaining relationship with adults and other children. Children’s desire to communicate their thoughts, ideas, needs, and feeling with other and this is motivates them to develop language.  We are here to ensure that they used their words when they want or need something from us or from their friends. 

This can also create frustration when they cannot express themselves so it is very important for them to express their thoughts and feelings.


Children who are especially likely to have difficulty learning to read in the primary grades are those who begin school with less prior knowledge, verbal abilities, phonological sensitivity, familiarity with the basic purposes and mechanism of reading and letter knowledge. Kids Time Preschool ensures the children who enroll and help them to prepare kindergarten level to be succeeded. We always recommended to parent, please read to your child at least 15 minutes a day.  


Learning and teaching Mathematics to early age children is difficult. It is hard for them to concept. We like to give example from the real life make sure they connect the number in their life and bring in their life. Language plays a big role in the teaching and learning mathematics for example; the children to make it difference what are the numbers and letters can be confusing.  We also need parent support here for extra to help children understand better. It would help them in the kindergarten year and future year to be successful in the mathematic subject. 

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